Fighting for a Living Wage and a Livable Planet

CClIvx5WIAABjYu.jpgIt was great to see such a strong climate justice contingent at today's #‎WageAction #‎Fight4Fifteen march. Economic and climate justice are intimately linked — as Bill McKibben said today, there’s no such thing as a living wage on a dead planet! Better Future Project staff, 350 Mass volunteers, and student divestment activists joined community groups, labor unions and faith communities from across Massachusetts for a massive march and rally. Tens of thousands of others will join Fight for Fifteen rallies and mobilizations across the globe tomorrow — stay tuned! 

Thank you to everyone who was there!

Call Governor Baker -- Ask Him to Oppose the Gas Tariff!

Governor Charlie Baker is dead set against new taxes -- even to provide much-needed revenue for the T. And yet he is considering a new fee, paid by electricity and gas consumers, to pay for new fossil fuel pipelines! It's outrageous.

Baker is meeting with his fellow governors in the next few weeks to discuss the pipeline proposals. Give him a call at (617) 725-4005 and tell him to oppose the so-called gas tariff! You can find a call script here. 

Once you've called, tell us how it went by filling out the form here! 

Huge Turnout, Beautiful Pinwheels, and Great Media Coverage at Rally to Save Cape Wind

10405597_976464432366287_4901002091741330758_n-300x200.jpgSaturday's rally to #SaveCapeWind was a tremendous success, with 300+ people in attendance and great media coverage from The Boston GlobeThe Boston Herald, WGBH, Dig Boston, Fox25 News, The Associated Press, and other outlets!

It was a stunning day with perfect weather. We planted 130 beautiful rainbow pinwheels in the snow to symbolize the 130 turbines of Cape Wind, and it made for a wonderful visual -- check out some of the great photos from the day here.

16469577827_cb230ef182_z-300x200.jpgCongratulations to all the amazing folks who made this day a reality, and thank you to our partner organizations in the effort to save Cape Wind: Mothers Out Front, Climate Action Business Association, Jewish Climate Action Network, Healthlink, UU Mass Action, and the Massachusetts Climate Action Network, along with sponsor Clean Water Action and endorsers Commit2Respond, Cape Downwinders and Environment Massachusetts!

As Jim Gordon, developer of Cape Wind, said during Saturday's rally, we are not giving up -- we have only just begun to fight.


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