Constance Gorfinkle

  • signed Halt New Gas Infrastructure 2018-09-16 14:32:19 -0400

    Halt New Gas Infrastructure

    On September 14, the Merrimack Valley faced an unprecedented tragedy - a series of “Armageddon-like” gas explosions that killed a teenager, injured ten others, and ignited fires in about 40 homes displacing many more.

    Climate advocates have been warning about the dangers of natural gas for years, and while this explosion is tragic, it was not unforeseeable. We hereby call for Governor Baker--who has previously pushed for the public to subsidize massive new gas infrastructure expansions--to immediately issue a freeze on all new natural gas construction in the state until after thorough investigations both of what happened in this situation and of the many vulnerabilities in our existing system are completed.

    We also call on Governor Baker to express his immediate and unconditional support for National Grid to end the lock-out of the USW Local 12003 union so that these skilled workers can return to the important task of cleaning up the tens of thousands of existing leaks in our state’s natural gas infrastructure.”

    1,154 signatures

    I demand that Governor Baker halt all new gas infrastructure projects, until:

    1) A thorough investigation into what happened at the tragedy in the Merrimack Valley is completed,

    2) An investigation into the vulnerabilities of the existing gas infrastructure projects is completed.

    I also call on Governor Baker to express his immediate and unconditional support for National Grid to end its lockout of gas workers union USW 12003. 

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  • wants to volunteer 2018-01-09 12:44:02 -0500

  • commented on Renewable Cities 2018-01-09 11:15:27 -0500
    350 South Shore node is co-sponsoring, along with 7 other climate organizations, a 100% renewable forum on Jan. 29, 7 p.m. at the North River Community Church, 334 Old Oak St., Pembroke, MA. Beginning at 6 p.m. food will be available and an opportunity to peruse information about these organizations.

  • answered 2017-04-05 09:44:07 -0400
    Q: Pick the local chapter (we call them nodes!) closest to you.
    A: South Shore Node

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